How to Pause a Job Posting on LinkedIn

Pause a Job Posting on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has become one of the most popular platforms for recruiting and job searching. As an employer or recruiter, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to pause a job posting on LinkedIn. Whether it’s due to changes in the hiring process, a sudden influx of applicants, or any other reason, LinkedIn offers a straightforward method to temporarily halt your job listing.

We will guide you through the process of pausing a job posting on LinkedIn, ensuring that you can effectively manage your recruitment campaigns. Below are steps on how to Pause a Job Posting on LinkedIn.

Access Your LinkedIn Recruiter Account

To begin pausing a job posting, log in to your LinkedIn Recruiter account. If you don’t have one, you’ll need to create an account and gain access to LinkedIn’s recruiting tools.

Navigate to the “Manage Jobs” Dashboard

Once you’re logged in, locate the “Manage Jobs” dashboard. You can usually find this option in the navigation menu on the left side of your screen. Click on it to access the list of your active job postings.

Select the Job Posting

You Want to Pause From the list of active job postings, identify the specific job you wish to pause. Click on the job title or any associated buttons or links to open the job posting details.

Pause the Job Posting

Within the job posting details, you’ll find various options and settings related to the job. Look for the “Status” or “Manage” button, which will allow you to modify the job posting’s status. Click on it to proceed.

Choose the Pause Option

After clicking the “Status” or “Manage” button, a drop-down menu will appear with different options. Look for the option that allows you to pause the job posting. It may be labeled as “Pause,” “Suspend,” or something similar. Select this option to pause the job posting.

Confirm the Pause

Once you’ve selected the pause option, LinkedIn will usually prompt you to confirm your action. Confirm your decision by clicking on the appropriate confirmation button or link provided.

Review the Updated Job Posting Status

After confirming, the job posting’s status should change to “Paused” or a similar indication, depending on the LinkedIn interface. You may also see a note or message indicating that the job posting is temporarily suspended.

Monitor and Reactivate the Job Posting

While the job posting is paused, you can take the time to review your recruitment strategy, adjust application filters, or make any necessary updates. When you’re ready to reactivate the job posting, simply follow the same steps mentioned above, but choose the option to resume or activate the posting instead.

How to Pause a Promoted Job on LinkedIn

Whether you want to re-evaluate your hiring strategy, make necessary updates, or simply take a break from receiving new applicants, LinkedIn provides a straightforward method to pause your promoted job postings. In this article, we will guide you through the process of pausing a promoted job on LinkedIn, ensuring that you can effectively manage your recruitment campaigns.

Step 1

Sign in to Your LinkedIn Recruiter Account Begin by logging in to your LinkedIn Recruiter account. If you don’t have one, you’ll need to create an account and gain access to LinkedIn’s recruitment tools, including Promoted Jobs.

Step 2

Navigate to the “Manage Jobs” Dashboard Once you’re logged in, locate and click on the “Manage Jobs” dashboard. This option is typically found in the navigation menu on the left side of your screen. Clicking on it will take you to a list of your active job postings.

Step 3

Identify and Select the Promoted Job to Pause From the list of active job postings, find the specific promoted job you want to pause. Click on the job title or any associated buttons or links to access the job posting details.

Step 4

Access the Promotion Settings Within the job posting details, you’ll find various options and settings related to the promoted job. Look for the “Promote” or “Manage Promotion” button and click on it to proceed.

Step 5

Pause the Promotion After clicking on the “Promote” or “Manage Promotion” button, a new page will open with settings specific to the promotion. Look for the option to pause or suspend the promotion. It may be labeled as “Pause,” “Suspend,” or something similar. Click on this option to pause the promotion.

Step 6

Confirm the Pause Upon selecting the pause option, LinkedIn will usually prompt you to confirm your action. Take a moment to review the confirmation message and ensure that you are indeed pausing the promotion. Click on the appropriate confirmation button or link provided.

Step 7

Verify the Paused Promotion After confirming, the promotion for your job posting should now be paused. You may see a visual indicator or a message stating that the promotion is temporarily suspended.

Step 8

Monitor and Reactivate the Promotion While the promotion is paused, you have the opportunity to review your advertising strategy, make any necessary updates to the job posting, or simply take a break. When you’re ready to reactivate the promotion, follow the same steps mentioned above, but select the option to resume or activate the promotion instead.

How do I stop daily budget on LinkedIn?

These budgets control the amount of money spent on ads each day. However, there may be instances where you need to stop or pause your daily budget on LinkedIn, whether it’s to reallocate funds, evaluate campaign performance, or make adjustments to your advertising strategy. In this article, we will walk you through the process of stopping the daily budget on LinkedIn, ensuring that you have full control over your advertising expenses.

Log in to Your LinkedIn Advertising Account

Start by logging in to your LinkedIn advertising account. If you don’t have an account, you will need to create one in order to access LinkedIn’s advertising platform.

Access the Campaign Manager

After logging in, navigate to the Campaign Manager. You can typically find this option by clicking on the “Work” icon in the top right corner of your LinkedIn homepage and selecting “Advertise” from the dropdown menu. This will take you to the Campaign Manager dashboard.

Locate the Campaign with the Daily Budget

In the Campaign Manager, identify the specific campaign for which you want to stop the daily budget. The campaigns are typically listed in a table format, displaying key details such as the campaign name, status, and budget.

Click on the Campaign Name

Click on the name of the campaign you wish to modify. This will take you to the campaign details page, where you can manage various settings.

Access the Budget and Schedule Settings

On the campaign details page, locate the “Budget & Schedule” section. This section provides an overview of the campaign’s budget, schedule, and bidding options.

Stop the Daily Budget

Within the “Budget & Schedule” section, find the field that displays your daily budget amount. To stop the daily budget, simply delete the current value from this field. Alternatively, you may find a toggle switch or checkbox labeled “Pause” or “Stop.” Activate this option to halt the daily budget.

Save the Changes

After modifying the daily budget field or activating the pause/stop option, make sure to save your changes. Look for a “Save” or “Apply” button on the campaign details page and click on it to confirm your updates.

Verify the Stopped Daily Budget

After saving the changes, the daily budget for your campaign should be stopped. Double-check the campaign details to ensure that the budget is no longer active. You may see a visual indicator or a message indicating that the daily budget is paused or stopped.


Pausing a job posting on LinkedIn is a valuable tool for employers and recruiters, providing flexibility and control over their recruitment efforts. With LinkedIn’s user-friendly interface, pausing a job posting is a simple process that can be completed in a few steps. By following this step-by-step guide, you can confidently navigate through LinkedIn’s recruiting tools and effectively manage your job listings. Remember to monitor your paused postings and reactivate them when you’re ready to resume the hiring process.

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